Fanservice: Druuna is an idealized dark-haired Mediterranean woman with a curvy body who is either naked or wearing a skimpy tank-top-and-thong combo roughly ninety percent of the time. Druuna exists to be the subject of other characters' lust-filled fantasies and is an Ethical Slut. Lust Object: Pretty much the whole point.The author specifically stated that he wrote her cavalier attitude to lovemaking to "challenge conventional notions of female sexuality". Ethical Slut: Druuna is an incredibly erotic character who either initiates passionate sex on her own accord or is cajoled into it, but underneath her sex goddess exterior is very much a Nice Girl.Fanservice and that something clearly isn't right with her world. It immediately establishes both herself as Ms. Establishing Character Moment: The very first panel of the very first comic shows a half-naked Druuna reading from a book about mountains and rivers, things she's never seen or even heard of.Facially, they're almost identical, but below the neck Serpieri made Druuna even curvier.

Comic-Book Fantasy Casting: Serpieri explains in the art album Druuna X that Druuna's looks are based on Valérie Kaprinsky in the Erotic Film La Femme Publique.In Clone, she starts off with the disease having negatively affected her appearance, such as losing all of her hair, but her mind is then uploaded into a healthy version of her old body. In Morbus Gravis, a doctor wonders if she has some sort of genetic immunity to the viral plague. Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Although many other characters may suffer horrible injuries or mutations, Druuna herself never loses her stunning looks.The main character, a beautiful young woman who lives in a post-apocalyptic world.